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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 2 System : DVD Video Date Added : 2005-01-30 17:24:27 Views : 24687 Vegitable Man clip, Puppet short-films, music video In the EPISODES menu on disc one highlight the following. Page1 (1-4) 1) Highlite "Mail order bride" and press right to highlight the Yellow christmas light.-- WolfMan 1 (Puppet video) 2) While highlighting the yellow light press right to highlite the Dish washer knob. -- Bowling (Puppet video) 3) While highlighting "super bowl" press left to highlite the Ancha-la-dito chip. -- Vegatable Man Preview Page2 (5-8) 4)While highliting "Who is the drizzle" Press left to highlite the Broken lightswitch hole --Themesong music video While highlighting "Super model" press Down to highlite the Tiny piece of Shakes cast. --Learning your right and left (puppet video) NOTE-some things like the tiny cast piece and the light switck are hard to see Bonus Clips On the [Main Menu] select the [Episodes] menu entry. On the following screen, use the directional arrow keys on your remote control to highlight the Christmas lights and then press [Enter]. This will give you the chance to view a brief hidden clip. The second one can be accessed by highlighting one of the knobs on the stove, also using the arrow keys on your remote control in the [Episodes] submenu. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 2 cheat codes.
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